Wild Terra 2: New Lands [CPS] WW

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EPC 1$
CR 0%
Подтверждение 81.5%
Подтверждение 81.5%
Средн. обработка 70 дней
Средн. обработка 70 дней
PostClick cookie 30 дней
Среднее время оплаты 70 дней

Информация о программе

This Mitgame affiliate program is powered by the Admitad infrastructure.

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Traffic Exceptions

  • Bonus, Brand-optimized contextual advertising, Сashback, Deals and coupons aggregators, Discount promo codes
  • SEM traffic

Wild Terra 2: New LandsPlay your role in the life-filled medieval world controlled by players. Live on an inhabited territory or conquer New Continents in new seasons! MMORPG full of logically interconnected worked out little things that create a unique immersion and the spirit of adventure!

Game Features:

  • New season. New continent. New rules - You can live on the One Mainland - build, develop, hunt, explore PvP and PvE zones. Or you can challenge and go to New Lands — every season a new continent will be available, with a variety of biomes and inhabitants, conditions, rules and rewards upon completion.
  • Huge selection of crafts. Attention to detail.
  • Raids and sieges.
  • Change of day and night, seasons, weather.
  • Tournaments, leaderboards and holidays.



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