Партнерская программа Ugaoo [CPS] IN

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EPC 47$
CR 0.8%
Подтверждение 68.8%
Подтверждение 68.8%
Средн. обработка 55 дней
Средн. обработка 55 дней
PostClick cookie 30 дней
Среднее время оплаты 76 дней

Информация о партнерской программе Ugaoo [CPS] IN

Company Description - Ugaoo is India’s largest and most trusted online plant nursery that specialises in all your gardening needs. The Ugaoo online nursery not only sells premium quality exotic indoor plants, outdoor plants, flowering plants, and succulents to name a few, but also specialises in organic vegetable, herb, and flower seeds. Ugaoo provides premium, trendy planters, best in class soil and fertilisers, and all the gardening tools a home gardener can need. At Ugaoo we believe that we are more than a garden store, we help people grow along their gardening journey, Afterall plants grow people. We believe in the magic of growing things and discovering our inner self in the process while revelling in the jot of your first new leaf, your first bloom, or your first sprouted seed.

Campaign Description - Ugaoo provides opportunity for the publisher to earn commission every time a customer purchases any product from ugaoo website  through admitad's affiliate link.

Target Geo - India 

Cookie Time - 30 days 

Allowed traffic source - Mentioned in the traffic source tab 

Validation cycle - 45 days 

Tracking - Online (Shopify)

Objective - To generate sales for Ugaoo CPS campaign 

Brand Stop Words - Ugaoo, UGAOO AGRITECH PRIVATE LIMITED, Ugaoo Plant 

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Admitad is a German IT company headquartered in Heilbronn that develops and invests in services for media buying, increasing sales and attracting customers through online advertising, traffic and content monetization and earnings using a single platform.
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