The Derma Co [CPS] IN

Похожие программы
EPC 257$
CR 2.1%
Подтверждение 84.7%
Подтверждение 84.7%
Средн. обработка 61 дней
Средн. обработка 61 дней
PostClick cookie 300 дней
Среднее время оплаты 60 дней


Commission: 11.28-22.50%

Информация о программе

Company Description: We know over 50% of millennial population is suffering from derma ailments like Acne, Pigmentation, hair fall etc. The doctor to patient ratio for dermatologists in India is amongst the worst in the world 1:15 lacs over and above the money & energy required for doctor visit and process can also be very high. When our founders studied this and talked to the consumers they realised most consumers were ending up buying regular cosmetic products like neem face washes or fairness creams which do not solve these problems intact they can in some cases cause adverse affects. 

The Derma Co. use technologies like Artificial intelligence to correctly diagnose your concerns & our dermatologists build effective products & regimes to solve your problems. Our Advanced Clinical Formulations contain desired actives in high dosages as per dermatologist recommendations & hence deliver significantly better performance than off the shelf products available in the market. So take our skin assessment today and shift to The Derma Co. advanced formulations for superior results.

Campaign Description: The Derma Co has helped tens of thousands of people clear their skin. But let’s be real — there’s no magic bullet. Buy TheDermaCo's products online and get the ailments like Acne, Pigmentation, hair fall etc. resolved. 

Campaign Objective: The objective of the campaign is to bring traffic to TheDermaCo's website and generate sales.

Cookie time : 30days

Brand Stop Words - TheDermaCo, Dermaco, Thederma

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Admitad is a German IT company headquartered in Heilbronn that develops and invests in services for media buying, increasing sales and attracting customers through online advertising, traffic and content monetization and earnings using a single platform.
Founded 2009-09-01, Lise-Meitner-Str, Heilbronn
Founder Alexander Bachmann