Organic India [CPS] IN

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EPC 99$
CR 2.2%
Подтверждение 36%
Подтверждение 36%
Средн. обработка 60 дней
Средн. обработка 60 дней
PostClick cookie 30 дней
Среднее время оплаты 66 дней

Информация о программе

Company Description- Founded in 1997, At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is the commitment to be a living embodiment of love and consciousness in action. They work with thousands of small family farmers in India to cultivate tens of thousands of acres of sustainable organic farmland. All ORGANIC INDIA products support health and True Wellness and are made with loving care. Each product is one link in a chain of connectedness between Mother Nature, our farmers and you. By choosing ORGANIC INDIA you are completing this chain, actively participating in our mission to create a sustainable environment of True Wellness, providing training and a life of dignity to our farmers, and bringing health, happiness and True Wellness to you.

Campaign Description- Organic India CPS gives an opportunity for affiliates to earn good revenue if the sales are delivered through affiliate links.

Target Market- Pan India

Campaign Objective- To deliver successful sales for Organic India CPS

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