Metro Brazil Many GEOs offline codes

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EPC 3$
CR 0.4%
Подтверждение 91.7%
Подтверждение 91.7%
Средн. обработка 38 дней
Средн. обработка 38 дней
PostClick cookie 30 дней
Среднее время оплаты 38 дней

Информация о программе

Offline/unique promo codes are available for the campaign. Please request your personal code through your manager or in a ticket.

!  أكواد الخصم متاحة لهذا البرنامج
.يرجى التواصل مع مدير حسابك من أجل الحصول على كود الخصم الخاص بك أو تقديم الطلب من خلال نظام التذاكر
.لإرسال رسالة بواسطة نظام التذاكر, يرجى الضغط على قسم "الدعم" المتوافر في الزاوية اليمنى العليا في حسابك


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Promo codes' terms:

  • 10% off sitewide

Best-selling products:

Please find the creatives here.

Metro Brazil is the first e-commerce website specialized in the supply of authentic premium Brazilian shapewear. The portfolio of Brazilian Brands continues to grow across verticals through strategic partnerships with renowned brands.

First launched in 2017, Metro Brazil first began selling premium Brazilian corsets in the Middle East region. As the demand for such high-quality products grew, so did the offering of the Metro Brazil product range, encompassing several types and brands of corsets and undergarments, cosmetics, hair care, and sportswear.

By early 2020, We have launched our own mobile and iPad application to better serve our loyal customers.


15-55 yeard old women, interested in Corsets, Shapewear, underwear, pregnant and puerperium shapewear, after surgery corsets, sportswear, Hair treatments mask and botox, hair straightening, curly hair treatments, hair cream, masks, and shampoo, hair care, photon, electric hair straighteners, hairdryers, and hair curlers.

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Admitad is a German IT company headquartered in Heilbronn that develops and invests in services for media buying, increasing sales and attracting customers through online advertising, traffic and content monetization and earnings using a single platform.
Founded 2009-09-01, Lise-Meitner-Str, Heilbronn
Founder Alexander Bachmann