Партнерская программа Magrabi AE SA EG Offline codes

Похожие программы
EPC 124$
CR 2.8%
Подтверждение 66.8%
Подтверждение 66.8%
Средн. обработка 60 дней
Средн. обработка 60 дней
PostClick cookie 60 дней
Среднее время оплаты 65 дней

Информация о партнерской программе Magrabi AE SA EG Offline codes

For over 90 years, we’ve been leading innovations in eyecare and eyewear while constantly challenging boundaries. From the opening of our first store in 1927, we’ve made the marriage of avant-garde style and state-of-the-art eye care our purpose in life, achieving milestones in the field that make us who we are today. At MAGRABi, eye care is both a science and an art.

MAGRABi is the Middle East’s leading fashion eyewear and medical eye care specialist, with more than 150 stores across 5 countries in the region, as well as 20 pioneering MAGRABi hospitals focused on vision and eye health research. Throughout the U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and Egypt, MAGRABi stores and eyewear concept stores are home to a carefully curated collection of eyewear styles and designer brands, as well as the most advanced contact lenses available.

This program is active with offline coupon codes only. Affiliate links are not active and should not be used. 

If you do not have a coupon code, please request one from the promo code tool. 

Bonus scale:

  • 0-40 confirmed sales per month - 51.42 AED per sale
  • 41- 90 confirmed sales per month - 61.91 AED per sale
  • 90+ confirmed sales per month - 72.41 AED per sale

Best-selling sunglasses and eyeglasses:

  • Rayban
  • EYE’M 
  • Prada
  • Dolce&Gabana

Best-selling contact lenses:

  • Lensme
  • NewLens
  • Freshlook
  • i-clinic
  • Leila&Leila

Our customer's age is not limited, we cater for kids and adults. As for interest, fashion and eyewear as well as luxury shopping are our top interests.

We see an uplift during the nighttime from 5pm-1am (KSA Time) with a peak during 7pm-10pm (KSA Time).