Партнерская программа Lastminute Flights IL
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Партнерская программа Lastminute Flights IL является частью сети Admitad
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Почему Admitad?
- подробная статистика и полезные инструменты,
- экспресс-выплаты,
- многообразие партнерских программ,
- доверие 645738 веб-мастеров,
- еще многое-многое другое.
Booking flights at a fraction of the cost
The flamingo has arrived!
Now you too can purchase flight tickets at a fraction of the cost. Each month
some 60 million users in 40 countries, speaking 17 different languages
browse our websites to book their upcoming flights and holidays.
We are happy to announce we have now arrived to Israel.
Top travel destinations:
Athens, Batumi, Larnaca, Dubai, Tbilisi, Budapest, New York, Bangkok, Varna, Bucharest, Barcelona, Prague, Madrid, Rome, Amsterdam, Berlin, Los Angeles, Sofia, Miami
Peak travel period/time for purchases:
Monday to Wednesday between 12PM to 10 PM, in terms of seasonality there is a peak in April and another one from July and August and continues end of September and October