Hindustan Times [CPS] IN

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EPC 8$
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Подтверждение 94.2%
Подтверждение 94.2%
Средн. обработка 67 дней
Средн. обработка 67 дней
PostClick cookie 1 дней
Среднее время оплаты 68 дней

Информация о программе

Company Description: Hindustan Times is an Indian English-language daily newspaper introduced by Mahatma Gandhi in 1924. It played integral roles in the Indian independence movement as a nationalist and pro-Congress daily. The newspaper is owned by Shobhana Bhartia. It is the flagship publication of HT Media, an entity controlled by the KK Birla family. Hindustan Times is one of the largest newspapers in India, by circulation. According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, it has a circulation of 993,645 copies as of November 2017. The Indian Readership Survey 2014 revealed that HT is the second most widely read English newspaper in India after The Times of India. It is popular in North India, with simultaneous editions from New Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Patna, Ranchi and Chandigarh.

Campaign Description: Hindustan Times provides its publisher an opportunity to earn good revenue if the subscription is generated using publisher link.

Targeting: PAN India

Cookie time: 30 days

Objective: To generate quality subscription.

Brand Stop Words: Hindustantimes, HT, hindutimes

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